In this year Eletrónica e Informática ( i presented a project prototype of an autonomous car controlled by an Arduino Nano.
The project was simple: a r/c car was controlled by an Arduino nano and uses an ultrasound sensor to detect obstacles that was in his front. If it was detected an obstacle, it stops, moves back and changed direction.


Step 1:

Disassemble the r/c car and remove the control board. Keep only the chassis and the motors.

RC Car Arduino Controlled
Original Car

Step 2:

Connect the L298 to both motors and run the power cables out. The L298 uses twelve connections. On one side (blue connectors), two supply power the motor A, two supply power to motor B and the remaining two supply power to the module. On the other side (yellow connectors), two connectors activate and deactivate the motors (enableA and enableB) and the other four define the rotation direction of the motors (two for motor A and two for motor B)(A1, A2,B1,B2).

RC Car Arduino Controlled

Step 3:

Close the car and connect the L298 to the Arduino.
In my case the Arduino as to be on the top of the car because there wasn’t space inside.
The L298 connects to the Arduino as follow:

L298 Arduíno
enableA 12
enableB 9
A1 11
A2 10
B1 8
B2 7
RC Car Arduino Controlled
Arduino Assembly

Step 4:

Connect the Arduino to the Ultrasound sensor. The sensor uses 4 connectors. Two are power (5V and ground), one is Echo, that receives the reflected signal and the last one is Trigger, that emits the signal to calculate the distance.

HC-SR04 Arduíno
VCC 5v
Ground Ground
Echo 3
Trigger 2


RC Car Arduino Controlled
Ultrasound Sensor Assembly

Step 5:

Program the Arduino

 Tiago Santos, 2015
 Code to control a RC Car
 Thanks to Bruno Santos ( for some code
 Free to share

//Ultrasound Sensor
#define trigPin 2 // Trigger 2
#define echoPin 3 //echo 3

//Motor A
int enableA = 12; //12
int pinA1 = 11; //11
int pinA2 = 10; //10
int r;

//Motor B
int enableB = 9;
int pinB1 = 8; //8
int pinB2 = 7; //7

long duration;
int distance;

void setup()
 /* Initialize Ultrasound Pin Modes */
 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Trigger PIN
 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Echo PIN
 /* Initialize Motor A Pin Modes */
 pinMode (enableA, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pinA1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pinA2, OUTPUT); 
 /* Initialize Motor B Pin Modes */ 
 pinMode (enableB, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pinB1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pinB2, OUTPUT); 

Secção Loop():

void loop()
 //check the distance
 distance = checkDistance(); 
 //if distance is less that 30 cm
 if(distance < 30)
   //stop car, turn wheels right and go back for 500 ms. Then stop
   r = random(1);
   if( r == 1)
   if( r == 1)



//function to calcutate the distance to an obstacle
long microsecondsToCentimeters (long microseconds) {
// The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter
// The ping travels forth and back, so, the distance is half the distance traveled
 return microseconds / 29 / 2;

//function to check the distance of an obstacle
long checkDistance()
 /* The following trigPin/echoPin cycle is used to determine the distance of the nearest
 object by bouncing soundwaves off it */
//Trigger a HIGH pulse for 2 or more microseconds
//Give a short LOW pulse before sending a HIGH one
  digitalWrite (trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (trigPin, LOW);
  //Now, lets read the read the bounced wave
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  //calculate the distance
  distance = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
  return distance;

//function to go forward
void goForward()
 //Enable Motor A
 digitalWrite (enableA, HIGH);
 digitalWrite (pinA1, LOW);
 digitalWrite (pinA2, HIGH);

//function to stop Motor A movement
void stopMotorA()
 digitalWrite (enableA, LOW);

//function to go back
void goBack()
 //Enable Motor A
 digitalWrite (enableA, HIGH); 
 digitalWrite (pinA1,HIGH);
 digitalWrite (pinA2,LOW); 

//function to stop Motor B movement
void stopMotorB()
 digitalWrite (enableB, LOW);

//function to turn the RC car right
void turnRight()
 //Enable Motor B 
 digitalWrite (enableB, HIGH);
 digitalWrite (pinB1, LOW);
 digitalWrite (pinB2, HIGH); 

//function to turn the RC car left
void turnLeft()
 //Enable Motor B 
 digitalWrite (enableB, HIGH); 
 digitalWrite (pinB1,HIGH);
 digitalWrite (pinB2,LOW); 

The functions “goForward”, “stopMotorA”, “goBack”, “stopMotorB”, “turnRight”, “turnLeft” controls the motors. The motor A comtrols the movement and the motor B controls the direction.
The function “checkDistance” calculate the distance to an object. This emits a signal through the Ultrasound Trigger and receives through Ultrasound Echo. Using the time that the signal takes to go to the objects and comes back, can calculate the distance.
In the Loop section, the car is controlled based on the distance to an object. If the car is at less than 30 cm, this stops moves back for 500ms and changes direction. Is used an ‘r’ variable to make the direction change random. Is the value in ‘r’ is ‘1’ turns left. If it is ‘0’ turns right.

Step 6:

Power everything and test.

RC Car Arduino Controlled
Final result

Because the low amperage of the 9V battery, was necessary to add an extra pack of batterys to power the motors. As the module is powered by 5v and, when the motors are in operation requires constant and stable power , it was necessary to use four 1.5V , for a total of 6V. Although overcome by 1v the value of L298 this presented no problems.

The code is also available on my GitHub accout ( ).

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